Saturday, July 18, 2009

Women speak two languages...

As we all know, ladies love a guy with awesome kitchen appliances (think banana hanger). However, I'm not sure these appliances will add to your mojo (although the banana handle is awesome). Please no comments on the banana motif. As Freud said, sometimes a banana is just a banana.

As an admitted anal-retentive, I am fascinated with time and clocks. Here's my latest find: timedrain. Fall fashions are now hitting the runway; don't get caught hiding your nuts in last years duds: squirrel fashion.

Evernote helps you capture and remember everything. And it's free. But I still can't figure out what it is. Hopefully you're running Firefox 3.5 by now which means that web sites you visit can use @font-face to enhance typography on the web. Neil Davidson has a blog.

Event calendar:
  • 16th annual Tcl/Tk Conference, 30 Sep - 02 Oct 2009, Portland
  • NUMECA's Worldwide User Meeting, 17-18 Nov 2009, Brussels
Celebrate the 40th anniversary of the lunar landing with We Choose the Moon, a real-time interactive recreation of the Apollo 11 mission. Or if you're an ignorant, freaked-out whack job you can wallow in these conspiracy theories.

A new journal for computational fluid dynamics:
CFD Letters. Optimal Solutions joined Altair's Hyperworks Community. Via Slashdot we find this story about OpenBSD's release process and why it's good. A lot of airplanes have engines hanging below the wings but true innovation is putting the engine inside the wing, as the folks at Propulsive Wing have done.

The internet knows why you're afraid: DOOMWATCH. Hard working interns of America - go from intern to WINtern with Little Debbie. of which is verbal. --William Shakespeare

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