Perfect pancakes in 9 steps. Wanna find out the name of the tune they just played on your favorite TV show? Try TuneFind. NASA's X-48B hybrid wing drone has completed the first stage of flight tests. Do you see a spiral?
If you're a computer interface designer, what lessons might you learn from musical instrument design? Many, as noted by this recent article in The Cooper Journal. There a requirement to make things simple (not unsophisticated) so that the performer can get into the "flow". There is the need to balance structure with experimentation, and to provide modeless feedback.
I am not an artist provides more animated GIFS than you can shake a stick at. Piet Mondrian is an artist and this 1966 study appallingly shows that 60% of the study's subjects preferred a computer generated facsimile to Mondrian's 1917 work Composition with Lines. The computerized version has absolutely no sense of space or balance. I know you've been breathlessly waiting the result and here it is: winner of the Greatest Living American Abstract Painter Tourney is Cy Twombly who just edged out Ellsworth Kelly. If you don't have time to visit the MoMA, here's a 2 minute video showing every painting. (There's some good stuff in there.)
While I am always ready to celebrate extreme food, especially when it involves bacon, this list of the 10 craziest food abominations of all time does Wendy's Baconator Triple a disservice as the photo shows a contrived burger with 6 instead of 3 patties. And in case you're asking yourself should I eat bacon...
Rumor has it that Adobe is going to sell it's 3D MCAD technology to Tech Soft, the HOOPS people. Here's a cool fish-themed alphabet poster someone designed for their kids called Learn Your A-B-Sea. What does Tom Selleck have that your car doesn't? A mustache. Introducing the Carstache. Why in the heck is Twitter going to write yet another URL shortener?
Ten tips for tweeting (#8 It's not all about business). The most popular 150 management leadership blogs (#7 is GTD Times and that's more about organization than leadership). Dan Heath, co-author of Made to Stick, hosts a brief video about making Presentations that Stick including be simple (cut secondary ideas otherwise folks won't remember), show something (illustrate don't decorate), and tease before you tell.
The folks at Moceon, developers of the cheetahSTC all hex-mesher that works with Rhino and OpenFOAM, have completely revamped their web site. Here are survey results showing what product managers like about their jobs (the results are unranked but one that caught my eye was "balance of being social and analytical").
- CFD Summer School at the University of Nottingham, 22-23 June 2010
- The University of Bridgeport has an Applied CFD Lab.
- ITI TranscenData released Proficiency 8.2.
- cheetahSTC, the all-hex mesher, has been released as a Rhino3D plugin.
- Learn CFD on iTunes.
Every company is a media company because we all publish to our customers, our partners, and our community. Google is now using site speed in search ranking. Hubspot releases webmaster tips faster than one man can implement them. And Hubspot wants your CEO to become the Chief Editorial Officer who is "responsible for the timely creation and distribution for relevant and material content delivered as attractive and engaging social objects." (Now if I only knew what that meant.) More from Hubspot: 4 ways to generate higher quality leads (#3 Split your lead funnel).
Learn CSS by playing in this sandbox. Learn .htaccess with this ultimate tutorial. Learn how to draw a regular heptadecagon using a compass, ruler, and pencil. Get out the champagne: website is now one word (at least according to the AP). Honestly, I don't know how I feel about the Pew Research Center's study of Millenials.
The folks at Cuil (remember them?) have launched Cpedia, an automated encyclopedia. Let's just say the results it returns are not quite useful. Stack Exchange, a web 2.0 tool for creating sites for getting expert answers to questions, is now free.
The essence of the internet: explosions and boobs.
...and he was half right. --Joseph Addison
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