Proof #83 that innovation is not dead: InsectiSlide, a new type of surface coating that causes creepy things to slide right off. These Harman Kardon GLA-55 computer speakers look like they'd match the decor of Superman's Fortress of Solitude ($1,000 at Amazon.com, cape not included).
How to make cookies shaped like probability density plots of the hydrogen wave function. Here are 80 essential blogs for the marketing student. Here's a simple animated GIF showing how a circle and a sine wave are related. The online home of the American Numismatic Association.
Bacon-flavored baby formula. I wonder if Tiger is using these balls at the Master's this week. Finally put TweetDeck on my netbook. Here's a list of 100 things a young entrepreneur must know (#77, Don't work with your spouse. Nuff said.)
- CIMdata reports that the PLM market was down 9.6% in 2009.
- CFS Engineering in Lausanne, Switzerland provides CFD services using their NSMB solver.
- A SolidWorks blogger thinks the iPad is going to change engineering.
- Kubotek released version 9 of their Validation Tool.
- Keng Wong comments on CFD software licensing for multiple cores.
Here's a blast of Heath brothers marketing stuff. First, their web site. Someone's executive summary of Made to Stick. Their book Switch.
Industrial designers at Syracuse University came up with this idea for Google Mail Envelopes feature Google Maps with the sending and receiving addresses on the front. Need help calculating DPI? When in Syracuse, stop for a craft beer at Clark's Ale House.
Michael Buble being stalked by a velociraptor.
...has more hair than wit. --William Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors
Did you have a roast beef sandwich at Clark's? Mmmmmm good ... especially with some horseradish!
Absolutely! Lagraff, Magari, and I had 3 pints and topped it off with a roast beef sandwich with plenty of horseradish.
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