Friday, April 3, 2015

Perpetual by Sakamoto, Illuha and Deupree

Timeful or timeless,
Perpetual or inert,
there's expansive space.

Upon reflection, it seems that my favorite ambient music captures a singular moment in time. Paradoxically titled for that interpretation, Perpetual by Ryuichi Sakamoto, Corey Fuller & Tomoyoshi Date (aka Illuha), and Taylor Deupree does precisely that. The four musicians had never played together before and yet when put on stage to improvise what resulted was a unique expression of that moment.

Consisting of three movements, Perpetual weaves in and out of conscious listening. Melody, tone, and effects dart in and out of time, opening space for deep examination and smoothing it over again for focus elsewhere. The level of compatibility the performers exhibit in improvising a consistently empathetic interpretation of that place and that time is arresting if you dwell on it for too long.

Sakamoto appears to have posted all three movements online for your enjoyment.

Perpetual is available from 12k records.

More information about the musicians can be found on the web here:

I received no compensation of any kind for this review.

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